ENGLISH 11 Mid-Term Examination

  1. 1. These are key points from texts
  2. 6. Contains books such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs and the like
  3. 7. This section contains collection of all books written by Filipino authors
  4. 8. A note taking technique popularized by Brown and Miller (3pts)
  5. 9. Lbs.
  6. 15. Countryside
  7. 16. It hovers about personal complacencies and humiliations (3pts)
  8. 17. He identified and distinguished two kinds of thinking (3pts)
  9. 19. Clipping of the word microphone
  10. 20. Conflagration
  11. 21. It does not have its own chest of drawers
  12. 23. Reflecting with _____ if you do not want to care only about what you think (3pts)
  13. 24. A shelf of cook books and recipes maintained by a housewife
  14. 26. It is a creative, insightful and unpredictable thinking
  15. 27. It is a map of words where one main word is put up at the center
  16. 28. p__f___bl_
  17. 29. A form of critical thinking that is active, persistent, and careful
  1. 2. Elucidate
  2. 3. Ltd.
  3. 4. Pre_____
  4. 5. A purposeful mental activity over which we exercise some control
  5. 6. The process of finding good reasons to justify routine beliefs
  6. 10. Bour____s__ (3pts)
  7. 11. Ren___v__s
  8. 12. Popularized by Hanson and Martel
  9. 13. Domicile
  10. 14. He popularized the Decimal Classification
  11. 18. Refers you from one subject heading to another
  12. 21. The key to the entire collection of a university library (3pts)
  13. 22. foks-vey-gen (3pts)
  14. 25. A publication containing astronomical and meteorological facts (3pts)