English 11B Review 2nd Tutorial

  1. 2. character type that stays the same throughout the story
  2. 4. an excess, an overabundant supply
  3. 7. to misuse, to treat with irreverence
  4. 8. character type that changes throughout the story
  5. 9. Author of "Winter Dreams"
  6. 10. use of many literary devices to make a dominant impression
  7. 12. threatening, foreboding
  8. 13. impatience over a minor annoyance
  9. 14. character in "Winter Dreams"
  1. 1. the author's use of words
  2. 3. to be practical, to be ordinary
  3. 5. a gloomy, depressed state of mind
  4. 6. to emphasize, to accent
  5. 10. characterized by graceful, curving motions
  6. 11. main character in "Winter Dreams"