English 12 - Literary Devices

  1. 2. words that resemble a sound
  2. 4. figurative language that describes something
  3. 6. the circumstances that inform an event, an idea, or a statement
  4. 9. using a physical item to represent an abstract idea
  5. 10. the voice or vocabulary used in a piece of writing
  6. 12. extended metaphor
  7. 16. A phrase with a double meaning
  8. 17. Different meaning based on words having multiple meanings
  9. 18. the repetition of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words
  1. 1. giving non-human things human characteristics
  2. 3. comparing two things NOT using like or as
  3. 5. clues or hints at future events in a story
  4. 7. highlights the difference between what seems to be and what is
  5. 8. exaggerated statements
  6. 11. reference to another person, place, or work
  7. 13. same sounding end of words
  8. 14. a figure of speech that is contradictory
  9. 15. comparing two things using like or as