English 12 - LOTF Review
- 2. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “use gestures, signal, motion.”
- 7. This vocabulary word’s synonym is “unexpected changes.”
- 9. This term is used to refer to the young, small boys on the island.
- 11. The boys are stranded on an _____________.
- 15. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “bitter, pungent, putrid, rancid.”
- 16. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “mocking, ridiculing, jeering.”
- 17. Jack stresses to the other boys that he will focus on making sure they ___________ the beast.
- 20. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “passion, enthusiasm.”
- 23. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “huge, enormous, massive.”
- 25. Piggy is an easy target for the other boys to pick on. One thing he gets picked on for is that he suffers from ____________.
- 27. In Chapter 2 of the novel, the boys make their first fire. Unfortunately, the fire ___________ uncontrollably.
- 31. This object, which Ralph has possession of, is used to summon boys to meetings and acts as a symbol of leadership.
- 32. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “a bright radiance, a shining.”
- 35. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “horribly, disastrously.”
- 36. Ralph is hopeful his father, who is a ___________, will be able to help find them.
- 37. What role does Ralph take on after the initial vote?
- 39. Jack’s position early in the novel is to be the leader of the ___________.
- 40. Simon’s main responsibility in the first part of the novel is building ___________.
- 42. The main conflict of this novel is that a group of young boys are stranded after an _____________ crash.
- 46. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “appeasingly, trying to please.”
- 47. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “aggressively, argumentatively.”
- 1. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “howling, wailing, shrieking.”
- 3. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “statue, figure, model.”
- 4. Ralph stresses to the other boys that the beast does not really ___________.
- 5. During their first hunt, Jack and his followers fail to kill a ___________.
- 6. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “decorated, draped, embellished.”
- 8. In the chapter where the boys kill their first pig, Ralph becomes upset because they let the fire go ___________.
- 10. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “strolling, walking leisurely.”
- 11. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “impossible to understand, mysterious.”
- 12. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “secretive, stealthy, sly.”
- 13. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “suggest, offer, propose.”
- 14. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “exuberance, joyousness.”
- 18. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “ridicule, mockery, teasing.”
- 19. This character is described as being tall, thin, and boy with red hair and freckles.
- 21. This character is described as having fair hair and natural leadership qualities.
- 22. Talk about bad luck… the signal fire just happened to go out when there was a ___________ that passed the island.
- 24. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “loud noise, racket, uproar, commotion.”
- 26. Lord of the Flies is a famous novel written by William ___________.
- 27. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “muscular, strong, buff.”
- 28. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “hatred, loathing.”
- 29. What do the boys call the mysterious creature that they fear is on the island?
- 30. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “make fun of, taunt.”
- 33. Ralph’s main objective in the first meeting among the boys is to establish ___________.
- 34. Piggy is an easy target for the other boys to pick on. One thing he gets picked on for is that he wears ___________.
- 37. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “fat, overweight, obese.”
- 38. Piggy is an easy target for the other boys to pick on. One thing he gets picked on for is being ___________.
- 41. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “implied, inferred, implicit.”
- 43. In the final chapter we have read up to this point, the boys claim the beast comes from the ___________.
- 44. As the first half of the chapter evolves, Jack becomes more and more obsessed with ___________.
- 45. This character’s glasses are used to start the fire the boys set in hopes of being found.