English 2 - Vocabulary Lessons 12-14

  1. 1. a heated argument
  2. 5. rude boldness; nerve
  3. 7. a particular shade of a given color
  4. 9. to put into prison; to confine
  5. 10. lightness of disposition; lack of seriousness
  6. 11. having to do with the kitchen or cooking
  7. 13. likely to change on a whim or without reason
  8. 15. a very large number
  9. 16. to find not guilty of a fault or crime
  10. 17. a terrible destructive or irresistible force
  11. 21. permission; support
  12. 24. destructive; deadly
  13. 25. friendly; peaceable
  14. 27. excessive praise or admiration
  15. 31. simple in outlook; not affected or worldly
  16. 32. aggressively boisterous; stubborn
  17. 34. a beginner; one who is inexperienced
  18. 36. commonplace; earthly and not spiritual
  19. 39. practical; providing an immediate advantage
  20. 40. slyly clever; crafty
  21. 41. joking; humorous
  22. 43. lawyer
  23. 44. sharp; keen; cutting straight to the heart
  1. 2. to get around; to bypass
  2. 3. to expose oneself to pleasant warmth
  3. 4. extreme exaggeration for effect
  4. 6. to startle into sudden activity
  5. 8. unable to act or move; inactive; sluggish
  6. 12. having to do with the night; occuring at night
  7. 14. pretends to have knowledge to cheat others
  8. 15. having to do with marriage
  9. 18. delighted beyond measure
  10. 19. to demonstrate clearly; to prove
  11. 20. thrifty; economical in money matters
  12. 22. to punish severely
  13. 23. unable to be appeased or pacified
  14. 26. indecent; humorously obscene
  15. 28. a dictionary; a specialized vocabulary
  16. 29. having to do with the subject at hand
  17. 30. to urge on with stirring words
  18. 33. a practical joke; a trick
  19. 35. to express strong disapproval
  20. 37. friendly; amiable
  21. 38. threatening; foreboding evil
  22. 42. present, but not active; hidden