- 2. Who’s Taller?
- 4. What hamburger topping do Owen and Paloma dislike?
- 6. What is Owen’s brother's name?
- 7. What Disney World park did Owen and Paloma get engaged in?
- 8. Who’s Paloma’s favorite Kpop band?
- 11. What is Owen and Paloma’s favorite show?
- 13. What fast food place does Paloma not like?
- 15. What eye color does Owen have?
- 18. Which Marvel character does Owen’s mom love?
- 20. What is the name of Paloma’s dog?
- 21. What city did Owen and Paloma meet?
- 1. Who is Paloma’s favorite female singer?
- 3. Which singer did Owen and Paloma meet in Las Vegas?
- 5. What was the first movie Owen and Paloma saw together?
- 6. What song by Shania Twain do Owen and Paloma always quote?
- 9. How many sisters does Paloma have?
- 10. What taco place does Paloma’s sister (Emily) work?
- 12. Who is Paloma and Owen’s favorite avenger?
- 14. What insect is Paloma’s tattoo?
- 16. What’s Owen's favorite pizza place?
- 17. Who is Owen’s favorite singer?
- 19. What is Owen’s and Paloma’s cat name?