
  1. 3. A long _____ relationship.
  2. 4. Don’t do citron in your hair it’ll ____ away.
  3. 6. I like your ____ for our art class.
  4. 8. “Can you give me the __ opener
  5. 9. Do you live ____?
  6. 15. my bike is in the ____
  7. 18. “Can you look at the ___, I need to know the price”
  8. 19. I like noodles they taste so _____
  9. 21. I’ll leave a complaint at the ____
  10. 24. similar to ingenious
  11. 25. something to fill out
  12. 28. I want to see the _____ even when we’re now at the beach.
  13. 32. He ______ fall for me.
  14. 33. You look ____ today
  15. 34. I bought him a ___ for his birthday.
  16. 36. another word for awkward
  17. 37. I want a _____ at my wedding
  18. 38. Your jokes are ____, I always laugh.
  19. 40. You’re going the wrong direction.
  20. 42. Our family is really ____
  21. 43. I like your T-shirt’s _____.
  1. 1. I don’t like his coldness
  2. 2. Our teacher was _____ today.
  3. 5. We have to go to the doctor really ____
  4. 7. We need oil. Let’s go to the _____
  5. 9. “Look a this wonderful _____”
  6. 10. The meal today is ____
  7. 11. Don’t be so rude, she’s ______
  8. 12. noun of to imagine
  9. 13. We need to wear something _____.
  10. 14. We had _____ in maths, I hate it.
  11. 16. You need a ____ happiness.
  12. 17. My dad works in the _____
  13. 20. They _____ come together.
  14. 22. similar to church
  15. 23. You look so _____ to me.
  16. 26. If you want to be a princess, learn the _______.
  17. 27. You have to eat a lots of proteins to gain _____
  18. 29. In my _____ it’s raining chocolate.
  19. 30. party Did you join a _____?
  20. 31. Don’t wear so much makeup, be ____
  21. 35. And yesterday we had ____ in maths.
  22. 37. “Don’t drink it, it’s ___”
  23. 39. you can eat cow ____
  24. 41. If you drink poison it can be ____