English as a Global Language

  1. 2. exhausted, fatigued, weary
  2. 6. a person who has studied languages
  3. 7. word from innuit used in English
  4. 8. closing, conclusion, finale
  5. 10. 1,000,000,000
  6. 11. famous English writer who exploited the many words in the English language
  7. 13. words pertaining to a certain field
  8. 14. a place to sit, word of Arab origin
  1. 1. Famous English linguist
  2. 3. tongue
  3. 4. scholar, student
  4. 5. Received...
  5. 6. a shared language of communication used between people whose main languages are different
  6. 9. the rules of a language
  7. 12. nightwear, word of Hindu origin