English Definition...

  1. 3. expressions that depart from the literal meanings of a word for the sake of emphasis or vividness
  2. 4. the means to understanding a writer's meaning
  3. 7. a word or word seaquence that evokes a sensory experiance
  4. 8. is a conscious exaggeration
  5. 10. occurs in factual journalsim science reports and certain process analyses
  6. 11. the opening of a written work
  7. 12. to describe certain aspects of fiction the choice of word
  8. 13. is a seeming self contradictionary statement that on reflection makes sense
  9. 14. a manner of speaking or writing that doesn't directly state a discrepancy but implies one
  1. 1. strictly speaking the special vocabulary of a trade or profession
  2. 2. a statement about a class based on an examination of some of it's memebers
  3. 5. the details that support an argument or an explanation to includes facts and expert opinions
  4. 6. the mode of prose writing that explains or exposes it's subject function is to inform to instruct or set forth ideas
  5. 9. declares one thing to be another