English I Syllabus

  1. 3. Be responsible for your ______
  2. 4. Turning in work that is not your own
  3. 9. Be in your _____ when the bell rings
  4. 10. One type of assignment in this class
  5. 12. Second section of notebook
  6. 13. Minor assignments count _____ percent
  1. 1. Students are _____ for requesting missed work
  2. 2. Students will complete a _____ of choice each six weeks
  3. 5. A _____ will be provided for major assignments
  4. 6. Students will have weekly ______ quizzes
  5. 7. Students analyze and ______ different genres in English I
  6. 8. First section of notebook
  7. 11. Major assignments count _____ percent