English IV Mid Term(with General Knowledge)
- 3. largest island of Japan
- 4. what Tybalt is to Romeo
- 5. capital of Venezuela
- 6. when your sheep says "Fleece Navidad"
- 7. county where Shakespeare was born
- 9. sixteenth president of the USA
- 12. moral lesson from a story
- 17. Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers
- 19. longest river in the USA
- 21. the most important language feature ever!!!!
- 22. I imply and you _____
- 24. characters have symbolic names
- 25. small piece taken from larger work of literature
- 26. winner of Super Bowl XXII
- 1. Medieval code of honour
- 2. Kerplunk!
- 4. not to be taken at face value
- 8. He's such a Romeo
- 10. capital of Ireland
- 11. Modern _______ Association
- 12. the main idea of a paper
- 13. poem with a great hero who fights in many place
- 14. comma in poem, meant to make the reader pause
- 15. story intended to expose vice or faulty logic
- 16. when the opposite of what should happen happens
- 18. maker of the iPhone
- 20. winner of Best Picture 2020
- 23. comedy with over the top characters