English Language History
- 5. While English serfs called this "sheep", French aristocracy called this...
- 6. Language family that English belongs to...
- 8. Old English was written primarily in this script
- 9. While English serfs called this "deer", French aristocracy called this...
- 10. While English serfs called this "calf", French aristocracy called this...
- 11. English king who brought English back into court use
- 13. The most famous writer in Middle English
- 14. Language that the Vikings spoke
- 15. Language spoken in Italy
- 17. Language spoken in Britain (English) prior to the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons
- 1. The word "shoes" in Germanic Old English
- 2. The word "houses" in Germanic Old English
- 3. When English uses words from a foreign language the words are these type
- 4. The most famous writer in Modern English
- 7. People that conquered England in 1066
- 12. Language that the Normans introduced to England
- 13. The most spoken language in the world
- 15. People that introduced Latin script to Britain
- 16. Middle English developed from the dialect of this English city
- 18. This language gave the largest percentage of religious words to English