English One Syllabus

  1. 2. the type of grading our English classes use
  2. 4. the first standard on the syllabus and for our first unit
  3. 10. a time to come in for relearning during the school day
  4. 12. where daily agendas are posted
  5. 14. the vocabulary power standard
  6. 16. how many school days you have to reassess
  7. 17. your teacher's name
  8. 18. 70%
  9. 20. this is required before reassessment
  10. 21. if you get this, you are required to reassess
  1. 1. we will do this at the beginning of every block class
  2. 2. our first unit
  3. 3. the highest mark on the SRG scale
  4. 5. the type of standards that you will be graded on
  5. 6. the number of full years your teacher has taught
  6. 7. learning is this
  7. 8. make sure it is always charged for class
  8. 9. the play we will read this year
  9. 11. come into class with a(n)
  10. 13. grade level mastery
  11. 15. where your phone should be during class
  12. 19. the length of english one