  1. 1. Disasters can be caused by...
  2. 5. Waste is an ..... material.
  3. 8. It takes 500 to 800 years to decompose.
  4. 10. A season when the leaves fall from the tree..
  5. 11. It takes 1 to 5 months to decompose...
  6. 14. A dam is used as a ...
  7. 15. Shoes are made of...
  8. 16. In Maringa the weather is ......
  9. 17. Bottles normaly are made of...
  1. 2. It takes 6 weeks to decompose...
  2. 3. Dangerous wastes are....
  3. 4. Storms with high speeds of wind...
  4. 6. Heavy clothes are made of..
  5. 7. A long period with rain...
  6. 9. A violent movement of the Earth...
  7. 12. Dangerous Movements of the waves
  8. 13. Some schoolbags are made of...