English Vocabulary

  1. 5. Types of footwear that we put on to go for a route in the mountains.
  2. 6. This is what we use to sit on the bike.
  3. 7. It is the element that connects the climber with the insurer.
  4. 9. It is what we put on our minds to avoid hurting ourselves with a bicycle fall.
  5. 10. Weave of clothes that we put on our minds so as not to be cold.
  6. 11. Vehicle that we use to move faster than pedaling.
  7. 12. Heavy rain for a short time.
  8. 14. It is what makes the bike move smoothly.
  9. 15. It's a piece of clothes we use when we're cold.
  1. 1. Cylindrical element that helps us to float in the pool.
  2. 2. Mountain path.
  3. 3. Weave of clothes that we put in our body so as not to get wet.
  4. 4. It is what we use to climb to take and go up.
  5. 8. It is a security element used mainly during climbing that we place at the waist and binds us to the rope.
  6. 13. The clothes we put on if we want to go for a swim.