
  1. 2. account an arragement that you have with a bank that allows you to keep your money there
  2. 5. liked or enjoyed by a large number of people
  3. 6. money in the form of coins or notes
  4. 7. to be a most successful in a competition
  5. 9. that can be trusted to do something well
  6. 11. an amount of money that is taken off the usual cost of something
  7. 14. not the same as somebody or something
  8. 15. book a book of printed cheques
  9. 17. a small narrow river
  10. 18. to be unable to find something
  11. 19. to keep money instead of spending it
  1. 1. a person who hunts wild animalsfor food or sport
  2. 3. money that as organization such as a bank lends on somebody borrows
  3. 4. a firm promise that you will do something or that something will happen
  4. 6. to ask people to give you money for a particular purpose
  5. 8. to know,think or believe that something is necessary
  6. 10. a large flat shellfish
  7. 12. a person who works in another person's house
  8. 13. a small hard shiny white ball that forms inside
  9. 14. a person whose business is buying and selling a particular product
  10. 16. the amount of money that you have to pay for something