
  1. 3. king louis lived here
  2. 5. also known as social class
  3. 8. what was wrong with the voting system
  4. 10. machine with a heavy blade
  5. 11. the year queen antoinette was killed
  6. 13. charlotte corday started it
  7. 14. what happened to king louis
  8. 15. these people would make riots
  9. 16. how many social classes did france have
  1. 1. two groups were executed
  2. 2. earned a nickname from her wealth
  3. 4. people were executed because of this
  4. 6. had a problem when he became king
  5. 7. ended the french revolution
  6. 9. prison that was raided in 1789
  7. 12. what percent of france were peasants