
  1. 4. when an oceanic plate and a continental plate collide
  2. 7. two plates moving past each other in opposite directions
  3. 9. the oceanic plate growing due to a mid ocean ridge
  4. 10. two oceanic plates collide creating a _______________
  5. 11. magma that has reached the surface
  6. 12. the transfer of heat through touching matter
  7. 17. a casing of an ancient organism
  8. 18. two plates moving towards each other
  9. 21. the ancient supercontinent that Wegener’s hypothesis theorised
  10. 23. a chain of islands that were created by magma seeping out of a hot spot
  11. 24. _____ tectonics
  1. 1. the movement of liquid that conducts heat
  2. 2. the theory that the earth’s plates move at a steady rate
  3. 3. a large plate boundary that has high volcanic activity
  4. 5. two plates moving away from each other
  5. 6. a long mountain range that causes seafloor spreading
  6. 8. underground melted rock
  7. 13. mass/volume
  8. 14. the transfer of heat through empty space
  9. 15. mountain that erupts out magma
  10. 16. the transfer of heat through movement of liquid
  11. 19. when two plates move away from each other a __________ forms
  12. 20. a pocket of magma in a plate
  13. 22. strike slip _____