ENS School-wide expectations

  1. 2. We are on time and _______.
  2. 4. We walk _______ into the building.
  3. 7. We use _______ language.
  4. 10. We _______ up after ourselves.
  5. 12. We speak and act with _______.
  6. 14. We allow others to _______.
  7. 16. We _______ in a straight line.
  8. 17. We speak only when _______.
  9. 19. We use the bathroom quickly and return to _______.
  1. 1. We follow staff _______.
  2. 3. We _______ the property of others.
  3. 5. We _______ forward.
  4. 6. We _______ personal conversations.
  5. 8. We wait _______.
  6. 9. We keep our hands and feet to our _______.
  7. 11. We stand and _______ the national anthem.
  8. 13. We report on _______ for class with a charged device.
  9. 15. We go to the office with a hall _______.
  10. 18. We stay in our designated _______.