Entertainment and Media

  1. 2. you see or hear drives away the Spirit.
  2. 5. Satan uses media to _____ you
  3. 7. Pornography limits your ability to feel true ___
  4. 10. Satan makes what is wrong and evil look normal, humorous, or _______
  5. 12. The _________ will give you strength to make correct choices
  6. 13. Whatever you read, listen to, or ___ has an effect on you
  7. 17. Spending long periods of time with media can keep you from _____ interactions with other people
  8. 19. Select only media that _____ you
  9. 20. Turn off a ______, television, or mobile device if
  1. 1. Pornography can become a destructive _____.
  2. 3. Have the _____ to walk out of a movie, change your music, or turn something off
  3. 4. You live in a day of marvelous __________
  4. 6. Satan tells us breaking God's commandments will have no negative ______
  5. 8. Pornography is a ____ that weakens your self-control, destroys your feelings of self-worth, and changes the way you see others.
  6. 9. Some entertainment can lead us away from this
  7. 11. Avoid pornography at ___ costs.
  8. 14. Do not participate in anything that presents _____ or violence as acceptable
  9. 15. Do not attend, _____, or participate in anything that is vulgar, immoral, violent, or pornographic in any way.
  10. 16. Pornography causes you to lose the guidance of the ____.
  11. 18. _____ your safety and the safety of others by taking care what you share through technology