Entry Mode Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. Card transactions by internet or online orders using a computer based-browser (not a Merchant mobile browser) and card stored in online profile at merchant, treat as keyed
  2. 8. The merchant accepted a voice authorization, treat as keyed
  3. 10. The chip card was attempted to be inserted, but the terminal prompted the cardholder to swipe the card instead (because the terminal could not read the chip), treat as swiped
  1. 1. The card was swiped at the terminal, treat as swiped
  2. 2. Card transactions by internet or online orders using a computer-based browser (not a Merchant mobile browser), treat as keyed
  3. 3. Online purchases using a mobile payment device with merchant mobile apps or mobile browsers
  4. 5. card Present - Treat as swiped
  5. 6. The account number was manually keyed for the authorization, treat as keyed
  6. 7. Currently is only seen with Walmart Pay transactions, treat as keyed
  7. 9. Card Present - Treat as swiped,Mobile Payment – Treat as Account Takeover