Env. Sci. Unit 3 Terms - Earth and Humans

  1. 5. This type of renewable energy has the most energy available - in the video, it was the largest circle showing available energy, if only we could harness it
  2. 6. This type of renewable fuel is made from corn, and is not yet more efficient than gasoline
  3. 7. This type of energy creates a fuel by chemically combining hydrogen and oxygen to generate water and energy
  4. 11. This is one type of nuclear energy that is not as widespread yet, and it combines hydrogen atoms for energy
  5. 14. Electric car batteries are made of ___, which has some neagtive consequences such as mining it pollutes surroundings and may use unethical labor
  6. 17. An event that cannot be prevented, is not man-made, and CAN lead to a disaster
  7. 19. In order for electric cars to be better for the environment than regular cars, they should run on electricity from ___ energy, not fossil fuels
  8. 21. One cost of solar power is that it is not constant. The sun us not out at night or in thick cloud cover. Therefore solar power is ___.
  9. 22. a type of air pollution that can cause lung cancer
  10. 24. This type of energy spins a turbine that can redirect the flow of water, sometimes for helpful benefits but other times disrupting animal movement
  11. 25. Can naturally replenish within a human lifetime
  12. 26. _______ Protection from natural disasters involves man-made protection or plans like building a sea wall, raised homes, or having an evacuation plan
  13. 27. One way natural resources may affect humans is by causing _____, for example with Oil in the Middle East
  14. 29. Tiny pieces of waste that are in the ocean and ground, and animals may mistake as food, so we now find them in living things including humans
  1. 1. thick polluted fog
  2. 2. One way to be more sustainable is to stop climate change before it reaches the ____
  3. 3. Nuclear power uses this non-renewable resource by splitting this atom for energy
  4. 4. Types of resources such as oil, natural gas, gold, lithium, uranium
  5. 6. One way natural resources can affect humans is by determining a country's ____, for example a country with fertile soil may rely on farming
  6. 8. This type of energy uses heat from underground magma to generate steam that spins a turbine
  7. 9. ___ Power Plant accidents can cause radiation that can cause health issues or death
  8. 10. The ability to support ourselves now and in the future to meet our needs
  9. 12. This type of energy is the most efficient by far but may kill bats and birds
  10. 13. ____ Protection can prevent a natural hazard from turning into a natural disaster by supporting nature to protect us
  11. 15. ______ agreements between various countries about safe waste disposal could help to reduce pollution
  12. 16. Materials from Earth used to support human needs
  13. 18. Pollution to the _____ causes the formation of acid rain
  14. 20. We need to establish an _______ that stores and transports energy from renewable power to where it needs to go
  15. 23. ____ and pesticides can seep into groundwater from farmland and move to other areas, creating dead zones
  16. 27. a chemical that used to be common in aerosols that was damaging the ozone layer
  17. 28. This type of energy involves making a fuel from a living thing like corn, wood, or algae