
  1. 2. zoos organize ... programmes for species that wouldn't survive in the wild
  2. 4. one of the global problems the world has to face
  3. 6. a ... diet might be a solution to the food crisis
  4. 7. (2)devices used for generating energy from the Sun's rays
  5. 9. the gradual increase in the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere
  6. 14. (2)a greenhouse gas
  7. 15. (3)can be good places to generate energy if we can minimize their dangers
  8. 16. illegal hunting
  9. 17. a shortage of farmland is mostly caused by ...
  10. 19. ... crops are more drought-resistant and disease-resistant
  11. 20. a reason why animals might become extinct is the loss or destruction of their natural ...
  1. 1. (2)might be a possible solution to the food crisis
  2. 3. the Black Rhino, the Blue Whale and Orangutans ane all ... species
  3. 5. solar, wind and geothermal energy are all ... energy sources
  4. 8. increased CO2 causes ... in the oceans
  5. 10. invasive plants and animals can reduce ...
  6. 11. we can reduce pollution by ... our waste
  7. 12. chemical ... make the soil richer
  8. 13. (2)non-renewable energy sources are also called ...
  9. 18. the amount of CO2 released by a company/household is their carbon ...