
  1. 2. process where water turns into vapor and then comes down in the form of rain
  2. 4. an individual living thing composed of one or more cells
  3. 5. Makes land, water or air dirty
  4. 8. An organism that breaks down dead organisms
  5. 9. animal killed for food
  6. 13. Organisms that produce their own food
  7. 14. Large variety of organisms and species in an ecosystem
  8. 16. an opening in the earth's crust through which lava
  1. 1. to keep something safe from destruction
  2. 3. consumer that eats animal material
  3. 6. ball of fire
  4. 7. Inhale carbon-dioxide and Produce oxygen
  5. 9. prepare their food through photosynthesis
  6. 10. act of cutting down of trees
  7. 11. Network or food chains
  8. 12. consumer that eats plant material
  9. 15. use something again