
  1. 1. harnessing the Sun's energy to generate electrical power
  2. 5. the lower part of the atmosphere which contains a high level of ozone that absorbs the majority of the sun's ultraviolet rays
  3. 7. the continuous absence of rain, thus causing the land to dry up
  4. 9. acidic precipitation (rainfall) that causes harm to the environment. It is formed in the atmosphere when industrial waste gases combine with water
  5. 12. an increase in the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere, which is due to the greenhouse effect
  6. 14. any activity that compensates for the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) or other greenhouse gases
  7. 16. fuel formed naturally over many years from the remains of animals, such as coal, oil, and natural gas
  8. 17. use only as much energy as is needed without wasting any
  9. 18. to convert or reprocess materials so that they can be used again
  10. 19. the illegal hunting of animals
  11. 20. the introduction of harmful materials into the environment
  1. 2. without chemicals (such as sprays) or other man-made additives
  2. 3. to care for, preserve and protect
  3. 4. arge areas of land where waste and garbage are disposed
  4. 6. maintaining an ecological balance by avoiding the depletion of natural resources
  5. 8. the distance between the place where food is grown or made and the place where it is eaten
  6. 10. total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by our actions
  7. 11. materials that could be useful (i.e. for energy, for building, etc.) but have not yet been explored
  8. 13. generally referring to packaging, it means something than can be decomposed by bacteria or other organisms
  9. 15. toxic gases from factories and machinery that are then leaked into the atmosphere
  10. 17. when a plant or animal species ceases to exist entirely