
  1. 6. it absorbs light
  2. 8. organs for reproduction
  3. 9. an activity to supply water to plants
  4. 14. fight for light
  5. 15. what the leaves absorb
  6. 16. vertical distance from the average sea level
  7. 17. a rich soil has plenty of them
  8. 18. they live in the soil
  9. 19. sugar made by plants
  10. 20. what plants release
  11. 22. it support leaves and flowers
  12. 23. a long period without precipitation
  1. 1. environment rich in vegetation
  2. 2. the essential element for life
  3. 3. many insect are
  4. 4. what plants absorb
  5. 5. mineral material very compact
  6. 6. it occurs in inclinated land with heavy rain
  7. 7. group of similar cells
  8. 10. an extreme weather event
  9. 11. the process by wich plants produce their own food
  10. 12. what plants are mane of
  11. 13. part of the plant
  12. 21. very rich soil