Environment and Natural Disasters

  1. 3. when the ground shakes causing damage to buildings
  2. 6. when ice warms up and turns into water
  3. 7. A spiral of extremely strong winds
  4. 9. sources of energy that do not run out (become exhausted)
  5. 11. energy that comes from movement of the air
  6. 12. when harmful gases are released into the atmosphere by factories and vehicles.
  1. 1. chopping down large areas of trees
  2. 2. when very little rain falls in an area for a long time
  3. 4. when the number of a particular animal is very low and it could become extinct
  4. 5. energy that comes from the sun
  5. 8. when materials like plastic are processed so they can be used again
  6. 10. when lots of rain falls and causes damage to buildings