Environment Movement History

  1. 5. Founded first National Park (Yellowstone) as well as Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks.
  2. 6. Setting aside undisturbed areas, protecting them from human activities that might alter their natural state.
  3. 11. was drafted at the 1992 Earth Summit addressing global warming.
  4. 12. Published Silent Spring in which she told about how chemicals like pesticides and insecticides were contaminating the environment.
  1. 1. The sensible and careful management of natural resources.
  2. 2. Founded the Sierra Club in 1892.
  3. 3. received a Nobel Peace prize in 2007 for his efforts to spread the information about climate change in his documentary An Inconvenient Truth.
  4. 4. Day to celebrate supporting the earth and its environment.
  5. 7. Got people interested in the wildlife of North America through his paintings.
  6. 8. Wrote of our duty to protect the balance of nature.
  7. 9. Wrote Walden, in which he emphasized the harmony that humans can find when living in nature.
  8. 10. Set up the Endangered and Threatened Species Acts to protect wildlife from destruction.