
  1. 1. The National ___ Service was a federal agency established in 1916. Protects and manages national parks, monuments, and reservations that had been set aside for natural, scenic, and historic values and leave them unimpaired for future generations.
  2. 5. The ___ ___ ___ is a federal agency established in 1970 that currently resides in Washington, D.C. that implements environmental law by writing regulations. (acronym)
  3. 7. What animal went extinct as the US Army tried to starve out existence of Native Americans?
  4. 8. President of the United States who tweeted that global warming is a hoax
  5. 12. Which community was eventually evacuated due to high concentrations of toxic waste found in the water and soil of the neighborhood?
  6. 13. The National ___ Act was backed by Roosevelt in 1902 and federally funded construction of dams, reservoirs, and canals.
  7. 17. The O’____ Dam of the Tuolumne River in Hetch Hetchy Valley that preservationists were fiercely opposed to building. It was proposed in 1909 and became a reservoir in 1913.
  8. 20. What organization did John Muir find?
  9. 21. What piece of land in Dauphin County, PA, had a nuclear accident?
  10. 22. Which organisation was created by President Nixon to balance the interests of the environment and industry? (acronym)
  11. 25. What Ohio river caught on fire due to pollution?
  12. 27. Idea that called for preserving scenic nature.
  13. 28. President _____ founded the EPA.
  14. 29. The ____ ____ Act established the basic structure for regulating pollutant discharges into the waters of the United States.
  15. 31. What national park is in the west US and is internationally recognized for its cliffs, waterfalls, and other natural features?
  16. 34. Which Mexican American immigrant worker and leader of the United Farm Worker's Union brought awareness to the health problems that farmworkers suffered due to chemical exposure?
  17. 35. What non profit organization was created in 1970 at NYC to defend natural resources and advocate for the environment?
  18. 36. The ___ ___ Act protects air quality and is designed to control national air pollution.
  19. 38. The ____ Act was signed by Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 to recognize wilderness as an area where the ecosystem is untouched by humans and that “man himself is a visitor who does not remain.”
  20. 40. Man who was a utilitarian conservationist and the Chief of Forestry
  1. 2. What chemical was used extensively during the Vietnam War by Americans to destroy foliage and later came under harsh attack from critics?
  2. 3. Man who favored the preservation of scenic wilderness areas and led the “Back to Nature” movement. Also founded the Sierra Club in 1862.
  3. 4. Idea that called for federal supervision of resources and preservation for future generations, and resources were meant to be used through management.
  4. 6. What advisory panel did John F. Kennedy establish because he was concerned about the use of DDT?
  5. 9. Book written by Rachel Carson that uncovered the negative effects of pesticides
  6. 10. The National ____ Service was established in 1916 by Woodrow Wilson and is a federal agency that manages resources including timber, wildlife, recreation, range and water.
  7. 11. The ____ ____ Act was signed in 1973 and conserves endangered species.
  8. 14. In what month in 1970 was the first Earth Day celebrated?
  9. 15. What happened in the MidWest after Great Plains farmers had a great demand for timber?
  10. 16. The ____ Era was of intense social and political reform aimed at making progress towards a better society.
  11. 18. What technique was used to extract minerals by blasting mountain sides and using high pressure water hoses, destroying entire ecosystems?
  12. 19. He was a President of the United States who was sympathetic to the conservationist movement and enacted changes.
  13. 23. The Inland _____ Commission was established in 1907 and studied the relation of rivers, soil, forest, waterpower development, and water transportation.
  14. 24. Television personality nicknamed ___ ___ ___, lamented about pollution and also was an actor who portrayed Native Americans in Hollywood films.
  15. 26. What type bear was last sighted in 1924?
  16. 30. The Passenger ______ went extinct after the last one died in 1914 at the Cincinnati zoo.
  17. 32. Last name of a professor who wrote “The Population Bomb” in 1968
  18. 33. The Wildlife Habit ____ Act protects 3.4 million acres of upland and wetlands, or one third of all wildlife habit in the agricultural region, in its natural state
  19. 37. The ____ Act was a piece of legislation enacted in 1902 that funded irrigation projects from the proceeds of the sale of federal lands in the West.
  20. 39. Which act created in the 1970s protected endangered species and their habitats? (acronym)