Environmental Ch. 1

  1. 4. A theory may eventually become a ______
  2. 8. A basic law or truth that has been tested over time is a _____
  3. 9. The ________ Revolution was the time when humans started using machines to produce goods
  4. 11. Using more resources than the environment can support is known as ______
  5. 12. Make hypothesis is the ____ step of the scientific method
  6. 13. The _______ Revolution was the time period when humans began to farm and raise animals
  7. 17. Ask a question/find a problem is the ______ step of the scientific method
  8. 18. Preserving natural resources for future generations is part of a _____ society
  9. 19. Chemicals polluting a lake or trash littering a nearby park are examples of what kind of environmental challenge
  10. 20. Environmental science is a(n) _____ science because it uses knowledge to solve practical problems
  1. 1. The _____ of the scientific method should be as detailed as possible
  2. 2. All living and nonliving things in nature are part of the ____
  3. 3. A ______ is the environment where an organism lives
  4. 5. _______ science is the study of how living things, including humans, affect and interact with their environment
  5. 6. Moral principles that guide people's actions are called _____
  6. 7. Items humans have made, such as homes and roads, are examples of the ____ environment
  7. 10. The variety of life on Earth is called _____
  8. 14. Item that is not a major requirement for the survival of all living things
  9. 15. Overpopulation, overconsumption, pollution, and loss of biodiversity are examples of environmental _____
  10. 16. Environmental ______ is the fair treatment of all people concerning environmental problems