Environmental Microbiology

  1. 2. does V. cholerae have a high or low infective dose
  2. 4. Synthesis of the V. cholerae toxin is co-regulated with the synthesis of…
  3. 7. Serogroups of V. cholerae are based on this antigen
  4. 8. This mediates the disease caused by V. cholerae
  5. 9. Selective media for V. cholerae
  6. 11. Highly resistant structures produced by C. parvum
  7. 13. BSC Class 1 does not provide this type of protection
  8. 14. There is no known cure or prophylaxis for this group of microorganisms
  9. 15. The male gametes of C. parvum involved in sexual reproduction
  10. 18. Term given to the destruction of vegetative cells, does not kill spores
  11. 20. Infection with V. cholerae can result from contaminated..
  12. 21. Name of filters used in biological safety cabinets
  13. 22. V. cholerae is motile by means of ….
  14. 26. Work with Group/Type 4 micro organisms is done in this BSC
  15. 27. Vibrio cholerae is Gram….
  1. 1. This test can help to distinguish V. cholerae it from Enterobacteriacae
  2. 3. Proper tem for low potassium levels
  3. 5. Cryptosporidium parvum is what type of micro organism
  4. 6. Term given to methods to enhance the recovery of C. parvum from a sample
  5. 10. This group might be a hazard to employees but unlikely to spread to the community
  6. 12. How many subunits is the V. cholerae composed of
  7. 16. Overall term for methods that can be used to detect antigens in the lab
  8. 17. Where did the C. parvum outbreak occur in Ireland in 2007
  9. 18. Symptom of C. parvum infection
  10. 19. The number of sporozoites released following excystation
  11. 23. Cryptosporidium parvum bind via this end to the surface of intestinal cells
  12. 24. pH V.cholerae like to grow at
  13. 25. The A subunit of the V. cholerae toxin activates and increases the concentration of this in the cell