Environmental Science

  1. 4. _______Rain is naturally slightly acidic.
  2. 7. acidity puts stress on the fish, causing health issues and reduces their ___________ ability.
  3. 10. pure _______ is neutral.
  4. 11. Acid __________ has a negative impact on lakes, rivers, soils and plants.
  5. 15. a small change in the ______ level of rain makes it acid rain.
  6. 16. electrical ________ are also affected
  7. 18. __________ are paricuarly vulnerable to acidic waters.
  8. 19. Ozone in the _____________ degrades air quality.
  9. 21. Ove rime, it effects on each of these natural components __________ biodiversity.
  10. 23. ________ are wonderful refrigerants and aerosols propellants
  11. 24. When the pH level of rain falls_________ 5.6 , it is considered acid rain.
  12. 25. Most of the chemicals that destroy the stratospheric ozone conian chlorine and/or ___________
  1. 1. More than half of the ________-__________ in eastern Canad origionates from emmisions in the United States.
  2. 2. ________-_________ structure are also afffected by acid precipitation.
  3. 3. stratospheric ozone has also thinned over _____-________ regions, but to a lesser extent.
  4. 5. Many of these ozone-depleting substances are also powerful _____________ gasses.
  5. 6. Acid rain is created by _______dioxide or nitrogen oxide.
  6. 8. ________ is the type of ultraviolet radiation that causes sunburns.
  7. 9. _______ that consists mainly of limestone can largely neutralize the effects of acid presipition.
  8. 11. Figure 17.22 shows the ________ values of some common substances.
  9. 12. The soil in our province is _________ acidic.
  10. 13. when the pH level goes below 5, the _________ ecosystem collasps and all fish dissapper.
  11. 14. farmers neutralize acidic soil by buying and applying _________ to there fields and gardens.
  12. 17. Acid rain alters all food __________
  13. 20. Unfortuanlly,______ are also greenhouse gases that contribte directly to climate Change.
  14. 22. Another group of ozone-depleting chemicals, are used primarly in fire suppression systems.