Environmental Science

  1. 4. Storm with high winds and low visibility due to wind-blown snow.
  2. 5. This Michigan city went several years without clean potable drinking water.
  3. 6. _____ Farms are large industrialized farm with lots livestock are raised in conditions intended to maximize production at minimal cost.
  4. 7. Your science teachers name!
  5. 8. Country with the largest human population!
  6. 9. ___ ocean waters are what give hurricanes their energy and cause them to grow stronger.
  7. 11. The calm low-pressured center of a hurricane
  8. 18. Like a hurricane but located in the Pacific Ocean.
  9. 19. ______ Science is the study of living organisms and how they interact with our surroundings.
  10. 20. Conservation method of decreasing the amount of waste we create
  11. 23. F5 hurricane that infamously hit New Orleans in 2005, holds the record for most destructive hurricane in history!
  12. 24. A wind system that rotates around a low pressure center
  13. 26. Population _____ is how many people there are per unit of space.
  14. 28. Diets that include ___ are more resource intensive than vegetarian diets.
  15. 29. physical environment in which a species lives and to which it has become adapted
  1. 1. Process where water falls from the atmosphere in any form (e.g. Rain, snow, sleet).
  2. 2. There are just short of ___ Billion humans on Earth!
  3. 3. _____ Capacity is the largest population size of a species that can be supported by the environment.
  4. 7. Ocean garbage ______ are large collections of trash and debris floating in the middle of the ocean. Some are roughly the size of Texas!
  5. 10. Conservation method of changing waste material into a new material for other uses.
  6. 12. Using the same item again for either the same or new function as a method of conservation.
  7. 13. Continent with the most people on it.
  8. 14. What the temperature feels like when wind is taken into account.
  9. 15. Period of prolonged excessively hot weather for a region(2 words).
  10. 16. Where the United States ranks in world population
  11. 17. Where humans get their energy from.
  12. 21. When an area receives less precipitation than normal for an extended period of time.
  13. 22. violently rotating funnel cloud that grows downward from a cloud.
  14. 25. This U.S. State has experience several major widespread wildfires in recent years.
  15. 27. If the frozen polar features completely melted global sea level would rise over 200ft.!