EOC Review

  1. 4. policy of not taking sides in the conflict in Europe
  2. 7. FDRS plan for lifting the nation out of depression
  3. 8. corrupt city government officials promising to provided services and jobs in exchange for votes
  4. 10. US invasion to topple feared dictator Sadam Hussein and prevent him from providing chemical and biological weapons to terrorists groups
  5. 13. group of men working for Nixon's re-election campaign were caught breaking into the Democratic Party Headquarters in Washington
  6. 17. insured bank deposits to restore peoples confidence in the nations banks
  7. 18. southwestern region of the US experienced population growth as people left the rest belt in search of employment
  8. 19. courtroom battle over the teaching of modern scientific theories and the traditional religious beliefs
  9. 20. targeted by terrorists on 9/11
  10. 21. famous turning point American victory in Spanish-American War
  1. 1. German submarines
  2. 2. African
  3. 3. elected president in 1968 moved the nation to a more conservative direction only president to resign
  4. 5. fear of radical takeover resulting in the arrests of 4,000 suspects and deportation of 600 others directed by the Att. general
  5. 6. inventor know for the telephone
  6. 9. reformer that founded the NAACP
  7. 11. Elected president in 1975 struggled with economic problems and hostage crisis in Iran
  8. 12. engineer, entrepreneur introduced the assembly line production of automobiles
  9. 13. helped the government raise needed funds for the war
  10. 14. government officials convicted of accepting bribes for leasing federal land to oil companies
  11. 15. mysteriously exploded in Havana Harbor
  12. 16. series of droughts in the Great Plains area which created one of the worst natural disasters in US