Epistemology Puzzle

  1. 2. Act of accepting or rejecting a proposition
  2. 3. A belief that asserts "true conviction of something" supported by evidence
  3. 5. Evidence which is necessary, but not sufficient
  4. 9. Property of the agent making the statement
  5. 10. Theory that we are born with innate ideas
  6. 12. Firm conviction that you assert and that which you will make a commitment about
  7. 13. Said "I think, therefore I am."
  8. 15. The theory or study of knowledge
  9. 16. Explained how ideas are related to "qualities"
  10. 17. Doubting; suspension of judgment
  1. 1. Ideas built into our minds at birth
  2. 3. Mind as a blank slate
  3. 4. A justified "Truth-Claim"
  4. 6. Theory that we know things because we experience them through our senses
  5. 7. Type of knowledge gained through experience
  6. 8. Type of knowledge prior to experience
  7. 11. Philosopher and Anglican Priest
  8. 14. Evidence which is necessary and sufficient
  9. 18. Author of "Critique of Pure Reason"