- 3. Google forms
- 4. secrest messages
- 6. a puzzle in which words corresponds to clues
- 7. google sheets
- 10. a matrix barcode that is read by photographing
- 14. google sites
- 15. an amusement or pastime
- 17. the solutions of material given elsewhere
- 20. a period of time which an action must be done
- 1. a puzzling question, problem, or matter.
- 2. google slides
- 5. dominant idea
- 8. to slip or get away
- 9. google docs
- 11. anything written in a secret code,
- 12. games that use logic
- 13. you are given clues and you search for words
- 16. a toy designed to amuse by presenting difficult
- 18. a way or passage out
- 19. helpful suggestion