ESL by Carolyn. Challenge 23 – mixed questions

  1. 3. **** I was young, I always thought…
  2. 5. ******* disaster.
  3. 8. I have two sons and one ********.
  4. 12. My back hurts, so I have a **** ****. Two words.
  5. 13. Now.
  6. 14. We often travel with one or two of these. Plural.
  7. 15. I **** it would rain!
  8. 17. The **** was so strong today. It’s been very ****y all week.
  9. 21. Cold, white, beautiful.
  10. 22. Fast food, potato, yummy.
  11. 25. What’s the *********** today? It feels hot.
  12. 26. Spring is a time where we see ******* everywhere.
  13. 28. My stomach hurts so I have a ******* ****. Two words.
  14. 29. I’m a bit **** today. Feeling sad.
  15. 30. A broken heart. Two words.
  16. 31. Australia is a multi-cultural and ******* country.
  17. 34. Apple pies are usually ***** in the oven.
  18. 35. Think.
  19. 38. Trousers. (Not underwear).
  20. 39. Many Asians use these to eat their food with.
  21. 41. Easy.
  22. 43. My head hurts so I have a **** ****. Two words.
  23. 46. This causes climate-change.
  24. 47. Do you count *****?
  25. 52. Cold, sweet, delicious and so popular.
  26. 53. Too much! There was ** much food, we couldn’t eat it all.
  27. 54. Over-******* is becoming a problem in the world. (related to travel).
  28. 55. **** home.
  29. 56. The capital of Australia.
  30. 58. A popular mobile device.
  31. 60. My neighbour’s dog ****** all night.
  32. 62. Summer *** so humid this year.
  33. 63. Question.
  34. 64. I need to buy a new ******. (furniture).
  35. 65. I always ****** ** learn English. (two words, past).
  36. 68. ** home.
  1. 1. Won.
  2. 2. McDonalds in Australia.
  3. 4. I waited until he *** ******** eating – and then I told him.
  4. 6. Space or an area. A place in a house or apartment.
  5. 7. I can *** quite well. ***ing is a hobby for me. I have a good ***ing machine.
  6. 9. We waited until the band *** ******* - and then we left.
  7. 10. When we get old, we must think about this.
  8. 11. it’s ****! Let’s go home, I’m tired.
  9. 16. I don’t **********.
  10. 18. Natural *********.
  11. 19. Never before, first time. It’s *************.
  12. 20. This is a natural disaster.
  13. 23. Most Latin Americans speak *******.
  14. 24. Not high.
  15. 27. Apple ***. Meat ***. Yummy.
  16. 32. He has a very loud *****.
  17. 33. Checkout.
  18. 36. Identical.
  19. 37. ******* are so delicious. They are often served with ice-cream and strawberries.
  20. 40. Many people count this as they walk.
  21. 41. before October.
  22. 42. Australia is a very ***** cultural country.
  23. 44. The subject causes public disagreement, so it must be *************.
  24. 45. **** fires are common in Australia. Americans call then wildfires.
  25. 48. The answer.
  26. 49. ***** and conditions.
  27. 50. We scan this to connect to a website. A code.
  28. 51. We stayed there until we *** ***** all the food.
  29. 57. ** home.
  30. 59. I woke up quite ***** this morning.
  31. 61. An annoying and unwanted animal. (Sometimes children).
  32. 62. **** home.
  33. 66. A small programme on a computer or phone. There are many of them.
  34. 67. My neighbours *** barked all night.