ESP 3: Reflexive Verbs

  1. 1. I wake up
  2. 5. we used to wake up
  3. 9. They used to dress themselves
  4. 12. I put on myself (present)
  5. 13. They used to lie down
  6. 15. I used to wash myself
  7. 16. You used to shower
  8. 17. She lies down
  9. 20. We showered
  10. 21. We bathe
  1. 2. You wash yourself
  2. 3. You woke up
  3. 4. You put on yourself (past)
  4. 6. I lied down
  5. 7. We used to put on ourselves
  6. 8. You bathed
  7. 10. He dresses himself
  8. 11. Y'all shower
  9. 14. He used to bathe
  10. 18. You dressed yourself
  11. 19. You (formal) wash yourself