Español 224 - REFLEXIVOS

  1. 2. we wake up
  2. 5. the feet
  3. 6. the legs
  4. 10. you guys comb your hair
  5. 11. you (famil.s.)take a shower
  6. 13. the hands
  7. 17. we are brushing our teeth
  8. 18. he shaves
  9. 20. they take off (clothing)
  10. 21. I go to bed
  11. 22. the eye
  1. 1. I am brushing my hair
  2. 3. maquilla she puts on makeup
  3. 4. you (famil.s.) get up
  4. 7. they are taking a shower
  5. 8. he is turning around
  6. 9. you guys are surprised
  7. 12. the head
  8. 14. you are taking a bath
  9. 15. we put on (clothing)
  10. 16. I wash (myself)
  11. 19. the body