Establishing Healthy Bounbdaries

  1. 1. control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly, unfairly, or unscrupulously
  2. 4. resident who enjoys chess and is supportive to his peers
  3. 7. resident who enjoys cornhole and camping
  4. 8. having or showing a confident and forceful personality
  5. 10. resident who enjoys video games and is the newest to the LTSR
  6. 11. resident who enjoys working and communicating via cellphone
  7. 12. resident who enjoys music and playing guitar
  8. 13. ready or likely to attack or confront
  9. 14. resident who enjoys video games, is quiet, and kind.
  1. 2. characterized by indirect resistance to the demands of others and an avoidance of direct confrontation (ex. sarcasm)
  2. 3. resident who is never at the LTSR
  3. 5. a limit of a subject or sphere of activity
  4. 6. accepting or allowing what happens or what others do
  5. 9. resident who enjoys naps and cornhole