Ethan LaBonte

  1. 5. my favorite color is something that people with tritanopia cant see
  2. 6. i travel to a state to the east of texas that is near the coast for a gymnastics competition
  3. 7. i was awarded a certificate at the end of mt 8th grade for a high school credit class that involves machines
  4. 8. ours dogs name is an ingredient used in the creation of chocolate
  5. 9. my tortoises name is very unoriginal and rhymes with ¨corny¨
  6. 10. on the popular holiday in december i had a concussion thanks to a pull up bar(what holiday)
  1. 1. what sport requires you to flip and forms calluses
  2. 2. the state i moved from is west of texas and on the coast
  3. 3. my favorite book series revolves around a boy who goes to a magical school (no space in answer)
  4. 4. my favorite star wars characters name is similar to a popular drink made with tapioca balls(no space in answer)