
  1. 2. the outcome of the situation will determine if the actions was ethical
  2. 5. doing something at the agreed or proper time
  3. 6. this theory uses folklore to education people how to act
  4. 8. principles set up to ensure civil servants act professional and ethical
  5. 9. this code will outline the principles that a business deems as important
  6. 12. a person will act ethical, but also do so much more
  7. 13. when I judge a person by their character and not by an action
  8. 14. if a person upholds his obligation towards another person it is seen as ethical
  1. 1. being responsible an liable
  2. 3. a result that is typically unwelcome or unpleasant
  3. 4. a set of values or rules will determine if the act it ethical
  4. 7. this theory will focus on the outcome for the majority of the group
  5. 10. this code will prevent negative behavior
  6. 11. dishonestly persuade someone to act in your favour by a gift