Ethics, Rules, and Laws

  1. 2. Has a record, possibly fined with a jail sentence, and convicted of breaking the law
  2. 3. Private information cannot be legally used without permission from the owner
  3. 6. Standards of right and wrong behavior; a gauge of personal integrity
  4. 7. Copyrighted software that can be shared freely without consequence
  5. 12. License stating that a user cannot own or possess something without the owner’s permission
  6. 13. Software licensed for use for a trial period but payment must be made to the owner for permanent use
  7. 14. Attempting to harm or destroy the data or hardware of a user, agency, or network
  1. 1. Taking credit for work that someone else has created
  2. 4. User must agree to terms set by the software owner before they can use the program
  3. 5. Specific guidelines about appropriate behavior with consequences if broken
  4. 8. Has an inner sense of what is moral and is able to choose correct behavior
  5. 9. Downloading, sharing, or using software while violating the software license
  6. 10. Software developers sell a license to users. Users cannot copy, resell, or distribute without the owner’s permission
  7. 11. Software has no owner and is not protected by copyright. User can share freely without consequence
  8. 15. Regulations passed by state and federal organizations that protect society