Etymology Review

  1. 2. stand-up comics need it
  2. 3. where laurels are given
  3. 8. a golden parachute
  4. 10. melancholic
  5. 11. consent
  6. 15. syn. lethargy
  7. 16. like a boring lecture
  8. 17. heard at a funeral
  9. 19. jaywalking
  10. 20. religious rite
  11. 22. Thomas Grey wrote a famous one
  12. 23. infuriated
  13. 24. Agnew's crime
  1. 1. watchful
  2. 4. abiding
  3. 5. where wine, women, and song reside
  4. 6. Batman
  5. 7. wither
  6. 9. strewn (with)
  7. 12. opp. of restive
  8. 13. disconsolate
  9. 14. UFOs house them
  10. 16. tranc
  11. 18. opp. of morose
  12. 20. enervated
  13. 21. Mozart's is in D Minor