Europe Middle Ages

  1. 1. also known as mock battles
  2. 3. also known as landowner
  3. 6. also known as important religious ceremonies
  4. 7. the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code
  5. 10. Germanic people from the Roman province of Gaul
  6. 11. mounted horsemen who pledged to defend their lord's lands in exchange for fiefs
  7. 12. also known as religious officials
  8. 14. people who could not lawfully leave the place where they were born
  9. 17. religious communities the church built to adapt to rural conditions.
  10. 18. a period in time that spanned the years from 500 to 1500
  11. 20. what the Roman Empire of the German Nation was later known as
  12. 24. under the feudal system, they could inherit an estate from their husband
  13. 25. also called church law
  1. 1. a weapon that looked like a giants sling shot and propelled objects up to a distance of 980 feet
  2. 2. traveling poet-musicians at the castles and courts of Europe
  3. 4. the person a lord is granting land to
  4. 5. a lord's estate
  5. 8. Scandinavian seafaring pirates and traders who raided and settled in many parts of northwestern Europe in the 8th–11th centuries
  6. 9. Pepin the Short's son named Charles who was also known as this
  7. 13. the mother of two kings called Richard and John
  8. 15. land that a lord granted to vassals
  9. 16. also known as church tax
  10. 19. a ceremony is which kings and nobles appointed church officials
  11. 21. a family that would rule the Franks from 751 to 987
  12. 22. a contraption that moved slowly on wheels and sheltered soldiers from falling arrows
  13. 23. a line of hereditary rulers of a country