Evaluate Grammar Knowledge

  1. 3. A small word that “positions” one noun in relation to another noun in a sentence.
  2. 5. The part of a sentence that states the action the subject of the sentence performed.
  3. 6. A collection of words that communicate a complete thought in the form of a narrative or little story consisting of a subject (person, place or thing) performing an action (physical or mental).
  4. 7. The action that a subject of a sentence performs.
  5. 8. Small words that indicate nouns.
  6. 11. Words that substitute for nouns.
  7. 13. A person, place, or thing.
  8. 14. A noun directly receiving the action of a sentence.
  9. 15. A collection of words that contains a subject (a person or thing performing the action of a sentence) and an action (verb).
  1. 1. A noun performing the action of a sentence.
  2. 2. A group of words that form a part of a clause and act as a unit.
  3. 4. Describes or modifies nouns, pronouns, etc.
  4. 9. A noun indirectly receiving the action of a sentence.
  5. 10. A word used to connect clauses (see definition of clause below) or words in a sentence.
  6. 12. Words that describe or modify verbs.