Evander Bingham

  1. 1. retie your shoe
  2. 3. when you get health
  3. 4. like heat from the sun
  4. 5. your healthy
  5. 8. your not healthy
  6. 10. faith healer
  7. 11. something neat and cool
  8. 12. to be reluctant
  9. 15. the war
  10. 16. see you later
  11. 17. something that was neatest
  1. 1. something that was heat and you reheat it
  2. 2. to tie somebody shoes
  3. 3. when you heater something
  4. 5. when somebody get a cut there cut will heal
  5. 6. your not health
  6. 7. between or among natons
  7. 9. your late to work
  8. 13. your shoe
  9. 14. to have scruiles