Evelyn & Jed's Shower

  1. 3. Evelyn's Chinese zodiac sign
  2. 4. Evelyn's favourite genre for pleasure reading
  3. 7. Jed's birthstone
  4. 8. favourite colour (both)
  5. 12. Evelyn's favourite music (2 words)
  6. 13. Evelyn's favourite family vacation destination (state)
  7. 14. Jed's favourite dessert
  8. 18. place they first met
  9. 20. sport Evelyn & Jed picked up this last winter
  10. 21. Jed's favourite movie (2 words)
  11. 23. number of Jed's siblings
  1. 1. Evelyn's favourite movie
  2. 2. Jed's Chinese zodiac sign
  3. 5. Evelyn's employer
  4. 6. Evelyn's birthstone
  5. 8. Evelyn's favourite food
  6. 9. country of Jed's birth
  7. 10. Jed's favourite family vacation destination (country)
  8. 11. favourite activity
  9. 15. Jed's employer
  10. 16. Jed's favourite music
  11. 17. family rank (both)
  12. 19. honeymoon destination
  13. 22. number of Evelyn's siblings