Evelyn's 70th birthday

  1. 5. Food enemy (by chance, not choice)
  2. 6. State where she and Miles had their honeymoon
  3. 9. Her fitness motto: "10,000 _______ per day!"
  4. 10. Daily drink: Decaf almond milk blended iced _____
  5. 13. Her go-to classical music venue
  6. 14. City of her birth
  7. 15. Her Viennese-inspired Passover cake: Sacher _______
  8. 19. Favorite color combo (Israeli duo) - Part 1
  9. 20. Favorite childhood book: A ______ __ Time
  10. 21. Change a vowel to the answer in #18 to get a hobby with hubby!
  11. 22. Preferred '72 presidential candidate (what Evelyn and Miles bonded over upon first meeting!)
  12. 23. Her other regular workout (good for the back)
  13. 24. Favorite color combo (Israeli duo) - Part 2
  1. 1. One of her many talents (of which we are always in knead)
  2. 2. Age this year!
  3. 3. Her favorite Sunday hobby: NYT _______ (very meta)
  4. 4. Her tile-laying hobby
  5. 6. Her "twirly" high school extracurricular
  6. 7. Her mountainous home away from home
  7. 8. Place where she consulted: Anti ______ League
  8. 11. One of her favorite flowers
  9. 12. Her chosen profession: ______ worker
  10. 16. Favorite subject in school
  11. 17. Her regular workout (bad for the back)
  12. 18. Subject of her language classes