Everything Baby!

  1. 4. Mom's Mom's Title
  2. 7. Attention getter
  3. 8. Male
  4. 9. Cleaning tool
  5. 12. Baby's last name
  6. 16. Medical profession
  7. 17. Adult Female with kids
  8. 18. Childbirth anesthetic
  9. 19. Placement in vehicle
  10. 20. Adult Male with kids
  1. 1. Title
  2. 2. Calming tool
  3. 3. Medical profession assistant
  4. 4. Female
  5. 5. Baby sleeps in
  6. 6. Birth place
  7. 10. Beverage holder for toddlers
  8. 11. Public statement
  9. 13. Holds solids, liquids, or a bit of both
  10. 14. Dad's Dad's Title
  11. 15. Beverage holder for babies